Webinar: DevOps

Are you passionate about DevOps? Join our free webinar on January 30!

Codemotion in collaboration with Jörg Schad, Distributed Systems Engineer at Mesosphere, will host an online webinar entitled: “Nightmares of a Container Orchestration System”.

What will we talk about?

This webinar is about what not to do with your Apache Mesos and DC/OS cluster. During the webinar, Jörg Schad will share with you some of his favorite/scariest support stories covering typical system-setup, configuration, and application pitfalls for new (and not-so-new) Mesos and DC/OS operators.
He will also give some hints about how to debug those pitfalls if you do encounter them, resulting in fewer nightmares.

Interested? Register now and tune in on January 30, 8 pm CET!

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