We need to talk about perfection!


In the fast paced world of the start up, there is no time for perfection. We're too busy creating and shipping software so that we can keep ourselves ahead of our competitors. Moving fast often means making a compromise when it comes to perfection. But should we go think a step beyond the compromise and positively embrace the idea of imperfection? I'll talk about why and how we should actively reject perfection and why doing so will keep everyone happy.

Language: English

Level: Non technical / For everyone

Sally Goble

Senior Engineering Manager - Deliveroo

Sally has worked in software development for more than 10 years and is currently part of the platform group at Deliveroo where she is responsible for quality strategy across the whole digital portfolio. She is a regular speaker and writer on the changing role of test/QA within a modern software development environment. Sally is also one of fewer than 500 women to have swum the English Channel solo.

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