Communication between (micro-)services


Have a bunch of nicely decoupled (micro-)services (e.g. checkout, payment & shipping) raises questions: How do the services communicate - synchronous, asynchronous or event-driven? How can you implement complex end-to-end use cases (e.g. a customer order)? How can you tackle the challenges around distributed systems? What does all this mean for us as developers? In this talk I discuss the impact of different solutions to your architecture. I will show various recipes around fail fast, retry, back pressure or business transactions using the Saga pattern.

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Bernd Rücker

Co-Founder - Camunda

I started developing software more than 15 years ago. During my career I coached countless real-life software projects and helped many customers to implement business logic centered around long running flows, for example the order process of the rapid growing start-up Zalando selling clothes worldwide or the provisioning process for e.g. SIM cards at a couple of big telecommunication companies. During that time I contributed to various open source workflow engines. I am also author of two books and co-founder of Camunda. I am totally enthusiastic about how flows will be implemented in next gen

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