The Art of Technical Decision Making


Making decisions by yourself is hard, let alone with a team. As developers, making good technical decisions in teams is key to our jobs yet we don't explicitly learn how to do that. As someone who has found technical argumentation difficult, I have been thinking about this topic for years: argumentation in teams should not be about winning and losing. I will introduce a framework teams can use to evaluate options and find consensus when making big technical decisions, with an example.

Language: English

Level: Non technical / For everyone

Duana Stanley

Software Engineer - Freelancer

Duana Stanley is a software engineer with 10+ years experience in building web applications and APIs. She is a big fan of lean/agile, engineering principles, clean code and beginner-friendly environments. Duana has been addressing the lack of women in tech selfishly to have more female software engineer colleagues, most notably by coaching and mentoring in Rails Girls since 2013.

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