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Monitoring systems has traditionally been the responsibility of Ops teams. But our goal is to align devs, ops, & other roles in the organization (aka DevOps), so we need to ensure they are all monitoring critical business systems & do so in ways that take advantage of the unique perspective that each role offers. In this session, I’ll break down the expansive monitoring landscape into 5 categories that each provide a unique view of your systems. I’ll show how each category allows your team to have complete observability, avoid blind spots, & work together to quickly resolve issues & outages.

Language: English

Level: Beginner

Jason Yee

Technical Writer/Evangelist - Datadog

Jason is a technical writer and evangelist at Datadog, where he works to inspire developers and ops engineers with the power of metrics and monitoring. Previously, he was the community manager for DevOps & Performance at O’Reilly Media and a software engineer at MongoDB. When he’s not speaking at conferences or helping organize them, he likes to spend time on planes “travel hacking” and hunting for interesting regional whiskey.

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