Mixed Realities for Web
Ok, let’s get real: VR in a Web Browser isn’t something new in 2017. Firefox shipped their support for everyone. HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and other hardware is being supported. You can create VR experiences using your browser and Javascript. New browser engines are powerful enough to be able to serve the experiences on a open and standardised platform. But what about AR? Or Mixed Realities (MR)? Join my session and learn how AR or better said MR is getting into your browsers, too. See how and what the platform is being able to offer and what you could expect in near future.
Language: English
Level: Intermediate
Carsten Sandtner
Technical Director - mediaman GmbH
Carsten works as Technical Director in Germany. Working for more than 20 years in and for the open web as a developer and manager. Loving and supporting the open web and open standards to ensure that everyone can have the best possible experience with web-pages. Interested in every new and promising topics driving all businesses he loves to deep dive into technologies like AR/VR, IoT and Artificial Intelligence. Part of the Mozilla Reps team and a Mozilla Tech Speaker.