Microservices in action at the Dutch National Police


At the Cloud, Big Data and Internet division of the Dutch National Police, 4 DevOps teams use the latest open source technology to build high tech, cloud native web applications using Spring Boot, Angular 5, Spark, Kafka and Jenkins 2. I'll share our experiences and real-world use cases for microservices. I’ll show how 4 teams work together on one product and I’ll talk about how we apply the principles of DevOps and Continuous Delivery. I’ll show how we handle security, build pipelines, test automation, performance tests, service discovery, automated deployments, monitoring and more!

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Bert Jan Schrijver

CTO - OpenValue

Bert Jan is CTO at OpenValue and focuses on Java, software architecture, Continuous Delivery and DevOps. Bert Jan is a Java Champion, JavaOne Rock Star speaker, Duke's Choice Award winner and leads NLJUG, the Dutch Java User Group. He loves to share his experience by speaking at conferences, writing for the Dutch Java magazine and helping out Devoxx4Kids with teaching kids how to code. Bert Jan is easily reachable on Twitter at @bjschrijver.

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