Data-Driven Design


Have you ever wondered how important it is to look at the data before jumping into design? This talk will dive into a case study where we will explore how a heavy engineering company benefits from user data to design clear process for network engineers to add a Reverse DNS object into RIPE Database which resulted in 40% decrease in errors and better usable form.

Language: English

Level: Non technical / For everyone

Rehan Syed

Senior UX Engineer - RIPE NCC

Rehan is a User Experience Designer with over 8 years of experience in web design. He studied Calligraphy and Psychology and also have been a certified UX Researcher from Nielsen Norman Group. Currently in Amsterdam, at RIPE NCC he is working as a Senior UX Engineer to improve the experience and provide solutions on business and enterprise level application that are being used by governments and ISP's in internet space and internet infrastructure. Rehan is an avid evangelist for Startup Weekend and facilitating events since 2014. He was honored to be a jury member for in 2012.

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