Of course I'll use blockchain in my next application
After the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto build the first blockchain in 2009 a lot has happened. Cryptocurrencies gained market capitalization of more than $100 billion and there’s loads of innovation going on. Ethereum, Dash, Proof of Stake, ICO’s, Forks. I’ll put all this and more into perspective and explain important features of the different coins and blockchain implementations and what issues they address. That’s all nice and interesting, but what are the actual use cases? What are the engineering challenges? Especially if I want to use it for a private blockchain application.
Language: English
Level: Beginner
Roy Wasse
Director - OpenValue
Active in the Java scene for more then a decade. JUG leader at the NLJUG. Love investigating new technology and think about how it can help us build software better & faster. Director at OpenValue, a specialized Java consultancy firm. Active as a trainer and speaker on blockchain technology/