Scaling the Internet of Things: 1 to 1 Billion


We all know Gartner's expectations - 20 billion connected devices by 2020. People are not going to charge tens of devices every day so we need low power communication. More and more devices are being deployed remote so we need wide area networking. With the emergence of LPWAN and the commoditization of connectivity, the industry needs to focus on new challenges: life cycle optimization and environmental issues, firmware updates, transfer of ownership, spectrum regulation, security and privacy issues, and making IoT development and deployment as easy as developing a website using WordPress.

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Johan Stokking

Tech Lead - The Things Network

Johan Stokking is tech lead and co-founder of The Things Network. Together with a strong community, he is on a mission to build an open, crowd sourced and decentralized internet of things data network. The city of Amsterdam was covered in six weeks. Global coverage is next. Johan started The Things Network in the summer of 2015 with Wienke Giezeman. With over a 100 communities worldwide, impact on thousands of people and a reach in the millions, they are committed to build the global network together with the community.

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